Toto, We're Not in Kansas Anymore!
Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, our world is transformed. What we thought we knew before COVID-19 is permanently upended. Our lives are...
Be Adventurous!
Take chances. Do something you have never done before. Establish new goals in June!
Be Patient
Today is October 1 - the beginning of the month to "Be Patient and Listen" and the color is "slow-down lavender. Many of us are parenting...
Good-bye 2017!
We are nearing the end of 2017 - a time in history when one might think we have become more civilized - and yet it doesn't seem so....
In November, be positive, smile, and wear a little yellow!
Many of us are going into winter with colder weather, grey skies and rain rather than snow, if we’re lucky. This is a great time to work...
Become Involved in July
Becoming involved is so easy to do, and uplifting, even with a few spontaneous moments of your time when you see another person who could...