12 Habits 4 All of US WORKS...
...one month and one citizen at a time!
New Book Release - Coming September 2021!
In March, Remember to... Resolve Conflicts!
Last month in February, we focused on our individual worth and on
self-esteem. Individual efforts really can do quite a bit to change the
world around us, but we can do so much more if we resolve conflicts
and work together.
The celebration color for March is "DOVE WHITE." WHITE is the color
of truce and also the traditional color of the lamb. For a long time I
have looked for information about how white came to be the color of
truce and I haven’t found it yet. Perhaps you, one of my readers, will find it some day.
Our “climate” is composed of much more than the weather. We create our “habit-tat”
with our habits and attitudes. More than anything else, whether or not the sun is
shining, you determine the climate of your day.
Even if you begin this month of March like a lion, decide to go out like a lamb. Think
about St. Patrick’s Day and the terrible conflicts that families have endured in Ireland.
Send them your prayers and wishes for peace and healing.
Work on your relationships during MARCH. We all would like to strengthen our bonds with co-workers, family and friends and this is the month to do it. Take time to resolve conflicts you have had with others. Lighten up, give a little, and compromise. You will be happier and healthier for the effort.
Ann Landers, once suggested that we observe a National Reconciliation Day. As part of the GOLDEN RULE REVOLUTION, we now have one whole month to do that - this month of March.
Resolving conflicts with someone that you disagree with takes a lot of courage but this is the time to begin. Start with a smile and begin “mending fences” Pick up the phone or write a letter. Take a few extra minutes with someone who gives you problems. Try to learn more about their point of view. Life is too short to hold grudges. Forgiving others is a great feeling. Reach out today, perhaps right in your own home.
Goal for the Month: Patch-up a relationship with at least one person.
"Together We Can Brighten the World We All Share”