12 Habits 4 All of US WORKS...
...one month and one citizen at a time!
New Book Release - Coming September 2021!
Get Involved!
The best way to get involved is to take action each month, then share your story with us. Go to the drop-down menu above, select the month and follow the link to share your story!
Here are some REAL EXAMPLES of people becoming involved minute-by-minute, day-by-day, month-by-month:
A dental group put each month's Habits posters on the ceilings over their patient chairs.
A utility company inserted monthly habit reminders into their billing envelopes.
A restaurant made Wonderful People place mats, decorated with art from kids.
A second grade teacher wrote a 12 Habits 4 All of Us "Home Involvement Booklet” to help parents practice the 12 habits with their children.
A service organization made “screen savers” for their staff desk computers as 12 Habits reminders for staff.
A bus driver wrote a “Spirit of ALL of US”, 12 Habits Newsletter and distributed it to all the transportation employees in Eugene, OR.
A community newspaper, the Steel Valley Mirror, prints each month's Habit theme in the little extra spaces between articles throughout the paper.
20,000 Wonderful People flyers focused on the health messages were printed by a local hospital and distributed throughout a community each month by their employees.
An Oil City, PA school invited community and parent "guests" to come to the school, identify themselves to the students and share the daily habit on morning announcement.
School children in Jeanette, PA made 12 Habit posters each month for distribution and display in local store windows and other public space.
A coordinated “Parent Handbook" about Drug & Alcohol Abuse was written and distributed relating the 12 Habits to drug prevention behaviors and attitudes.
A “Teen Center Without Walls” Calendar of activities around the community for teens is published in the Somerset Daily American once a month.
A Home Economics class in Maplewood High School in Gates Mills, PA, make a patterned quilt of all 12 habits to exhibit in the school hallway and later raffled it off to help a student's family with medical bills.