12 Habits 4 All of US WORKS...
...one month and one citizen at a time!
New Book Release - Coming September 2021!
#9 SEPTEMBER - Do Your Best
In September, Remember to.....Do Your Best !
Kids are going back to school and vacation traffic is winding down.
It’s time to anchor our resolve to; do well, start fresh, and begin again.
This month’s celebration color is “Award” GOLD. Whenever I see the color
“GOLD” I will remember that my life and what I do with it each day is important.
Whenever I see the color GOLD - I will also remember the GOLDEN RULE.
Let the start of the school year remind you of what teachers over the centuries
have always told you, “Do your best!” We've heard it said that "Rome wasn't
built in a day." Starting something difficult or new is a great time to remember that.
Writing this book, for instance, has been a glorious adventure in joy and in
perseverance!! It takes lots of patience and lots of practice to just "hang in there."
Minutes become monuments one at a time.
Appreciation from others is a great reward for a job well done. There is a definite
“force” in powerful words that transfer energy to your mind. Use the words in this
GOLDEN RULE REVOLUTION Book every day to glean the “force” of inspiration to
Do Your Best. To celebrate this important aspect of Golden Rule Living, we will
celebrate people down through the centuries who have contributed the best of
themselves to us and to the world we share.
Goal for the month: Pick a task, even a small one, and give it all you’ve got!
“Together We Can Brighten the World We All Share”