12 Habits 4 All of US WORKS...
...one month and one citizen at a time!
New Book Release - Coming September 2021!
Kids Talk and Video
Kids Talk is a program sponsored by 12 Habits 4 All of Us
and the Digital Media Center located within the “Icehouse”
which is operated by the Morgan County Arts Council. The show
is a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) project.
12 Habits 4 All of Us volunteers and staff oversee
all the activities it takes to produce the show i.e., coordinating
through the schools (or other organization), transportation,
help with show ideas, search funding opportunities. The Digital
Media Center houses freelance production workers and offers
technical training. It is engaged in a pilot project with
Comcast/NMC International to operate a website –
BerkeleySpringsCommunityMatter.com -- that aims to provide
an alternative to cable television studios in rural areas.
Initially, kids from Warm Springs Middle School were offered the opportunity to be part of the project. The kids take buses over to the Digital Media Center where they will create questions, decide on who will be interviewed and who will interview guests and perform all the functions of producing the final product. They are trained on how to operate the cameras, direct the camera angles, sound equipment and editing of the final product.
The kids talk about the monthly themes of 12 Habits 4 All of Us and how it relates to their everyday lives and experiences. The videos of their work is shared on the 12 Habits 4 All of Us YouTube Channel HERE and on the channel for the Morgan Arts Council.
We are currently developing programs through our partnership with the Eastern Panhandle Boys & Girls club to offer a continuation of Kids Talk through the summer months. With the help of other local businesses, we also plan on offering other types of media programming such as a music program with the cooperation of a local radio station.At the end of the school year, the participating kids in Kids Talk receive certificates signed by representatives in education, digital media, and marketing, along with a flash drive containing the videos. It is intended that the materials will become part of the their portfolio when they head into high school.
One month at a time, our goal is to develop into a multi-media 12 Habits Network.