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...one month and one citizen at a time!
New Book Release - Coming September 2021!
#7 JULY - Be Involved
In July, Remember to..... Become Involved!
July is flavored with love of country. It is a month of family and neighborhood
gatherings. Patriot Red is the color of the American Spirit and of nationalism.
It’s a good time to think about your community and to consider your own
role in it.
If you aren’t vacationing this month then you might have a little extra time
to find an organization nearby to become involved with as a volunteer.
Perhaps you can help with something going on in the neighborhood; a
garage sale or a food kitchen sponsored by your worship community or one of your
local charities.
Getting involved as a volunteer helps others but it also helps you. This is why working
as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity has become so popular. Families get new
houses built by volunteers -- but the volunteers get the shared joy of working together
side-by-side, on a common task that has purpose and meaning. It certainly is better
than becoming a couch potato. Volunteering gives us a chance to meet new people,
and maybe even get to go places we normally wouldn't have gone.
This age of television takes time from our lives that we used to spend just being together with others and working on common tasks that help our communities. Think about taking some time from your busy live to give away. Think about the shared joy of working together with others to support our communities and the people in it who need our help in some way.
Many parents are involved together with summer youth sports like little league Even if you don’t have children on the team but enjoy kids’ sports, .....I'm sure they're always looking for help. Use you experience and knowledge to help out a team.
Look in the community section of the newspaper. Maybe the Boy Scouts are planning an event, or better still an old-fashioned camp out. Organizations and ideas for volunteering will be shared with you each day this month. People who become involved make a caring difference.
Goal for the Month: Have a great summer by volunteering some of your time to your community.
“Together We Can Brighten the World We All Share”