12 Habits 4 All of US WORKS...
...one month and one citizen at a time!
New Book Release - Coming September 2021!
#12 DECEMBER - Celebrate Life
In December, Remember to..... Celebrate Community, Family & Friends
December is the last month of the calendar year. This great month of holidays
gives me a chance to celebrate you - my readers and friends. December’s
celebration color is EVER-Green. Whenever I see dark green I am reminded
of the constancy of relationships throughout our lives. Whether finely-seamed
or tattered and torn, relationships are the fabric threads that connect us
to one another.
December is a time of Holidays when that warm feeling of peace on earth is
the strongest. The famous historian Will Durant once said, “Civilization is just the slow process of learning to be kind.” I guess the question then is -- just how well have we learned to be kind? Imagine how we will feel one day - when peace on earth really comes true. Imagine no violence, no child abuse, no poverty, no hunger and no war. Cherish kindness. Celebrate your relationships with others this month. Use your 1,440 minutes each day to let them know you care.
“Together We Can Brighten the World We All Share”
TRUE STORY: A music teacher paid tribute to Mr. Rogers with a musical performance linking Mr. Rogers' songs to each month's Habit.