12 Habits 4 All of US WORKS...
...one month and one citizen at a time!
New Book Release - Coming September 2021!
In February, Remember... You Count!
This month’s celebration color is WOW Fuchsia. Whenever I see the
color “fuchsia” I will remember that I count and that I make a difference
wherever I go. “ I Count” - is a feeling of worth, the sense of having value,
the knowledge that you are good and have the power to do good.
In February we celebrate Black History Month and Valentine’s Day.
Both of these celebrations honor the value of each of us in the lives of others.
To know that you count means knowing that you have a purpose and that
you have personal gifts to fulfill that purpose. HOW do we count? How do
we feel self-worth and personal value? By using our own resources. We use:
Our time... Our thoughts... Our energy.
We are unique and we make decisions every day that affect our lives and the lives of
others This is what is so exciting about being alive. Imagine how boring the world
would be if we really were all the same. Imagine if every person you met was blond
with brown eyes, or was wearing a white Polo shirt or a brown pair of oxford
wing-tip shoes?
All of us together are the essence of community. Each one of us COUNT!! A farmer, a doctor, a teacher, a carpenter, they all provide some necessary ingredient needed for the community to operate properly. They all count. In our homes and in our community, we all play a role in the group activity. We can all do things that count and feel joy and success in life.
Making a difference doesn’t have to be a big deal. Look around you. Look at the paper clip you may use sometime today to hold several sheets of paper together. Somebody made that paper clip! For you, that person counts. If that person hadn’t made the paper clip your papers would fall apart.
Survey your skills, your hopes and your dreams and write them down. Do you have a dream you keep secret because you don’t believe it could ever happen? Let the Daily Inspirations work in your mind and in your heart this month. Re-dedicate yourself to you - and to those around you.
Goal for the Month: To know that you count and to BELIEVE it.
“Together We Can Brighten the World We All Share”
I am only one,
But still I am one
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.