12 Habits 4 All of US WORKS...
...one month and one citizen at a time!
New Book Release - Coming September 2021!
Elaine Stevens-Parke - Executive Director

"Because I, like you, care deeply about all of us, our planet, and our children’s future, I founded and am building momentum for "12 Habits 4 All of Us."
It's time we all treated each other better more often. My wolf friend in this photo, Logan, knows better than we do, that to survive, you have to co-exist with nature, and get along together in your family and in your own pack.
In our own communities in West Virginia drug abuse saps the vitality of our state. Few people feel hope and pride in their own lives. Globally, we think we are so "civilized". Yet we have intolerable levels of human abuse, institutional corruption, and ideological and economically driven global wars that are barbaric.
I feel the negative overwhelms me but what is positive is fleeting and fragmented. My life purpose is to bring visibility, inspiration and order to the power for good among us.
HOW? 12 Habits 4 All of Us WORKS! is a place for us to get organized and focused each month on one of 12 simple mental/physical health themes that we can all agree on and we can all do. No matter who you are or where you are, you will know that everyone is focused on the same good action idea at the same time -- and for an entire month.
Please join me by taking this month's theme for good into your own life. Chat with me, or send me a question. Post your own actions. Become a good example for others by sharing your own monthly actions, ideas, poems, photos, and stories of good around you that relate to the current month's sync-up.
I have 25 years of successful leadership experience in corporate marketing, advertising, public relations that I put to use in building this campaign to "brand" the months of the year with 12 themes for healthy living. My book, Join the Golden Rule Revolution one month at a time - is available for sale on Amazon.com. There are 365 days of 1/2 page inspirational messages to keep YOU in the network of Wonderful People.
Specialties: Community Revitalization and Cohesiveness Building, Social Marketing, Mental Health, Teen Mentoring, Anti-bullying strategic protocol for schools, National Speakers Association Certified in Public Speaking.